3 Facets to Boosting Resilience and Beating Burnout in 2020
Resilience is an important skill set in our complex work environments and our ability to handle stress. Resilient people are less risk averse, more generative, and continue to learn and add value to organizations even in the face of failure.
In this program you will learn:
- The biggest barrier we have to resilience
- The most overlooked aspect of the resilience skill set
- Applying resilience in the workplace
Jennifer Zach
Jennifer is an executive coach with a primary mission of training and developing leaders and transforming organizational cultures.
She researches and analyzes courage and fear. Through speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Jennifer empowers leaders to develop self-awareness, quiet the inner critic, and expand their leadership potential.
Jennifer started the Courageous Leadership Club, a group focused on helping women play bigger in their careers. She is also the producer of the Leader Insight Podcast.
Core Competencies:
Resilience, Grit
Registration and Informal Networking: 7:45-8:00 AM
Meeting: 8:00-9:30 AM
Registration Fee:
Members: Log in to the website and you can register free as a membership benefit.
Guests: $20.00. (Note: This fee can be applied to your membership fee when you become a member within seven days of this program.)
When registering, select the site location most convenient for you:
Crescent Electric, 1660 Embassy West, Ste 300, Dubuque, IA 52002. We meet on the top floor.
Site Coordinator: Lisa Gurman, Lisa.Gurman@cesco.com
We will not be meeting in Iowa City this month. We are in the process of securing a new location, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Hawkeye Community College, 1501 E Orange Road, Waterloo, IA 50701. We meet in Room 121 in Buchanan Hall.
Site Coordinator: Heather Marquez, heathermarquez@actioncoach.com
SHRM Credits:
This program is valid for 1 PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM