
Explore the exciting and informative monthly programs and special events ATD Hawkeye Chapter offers to support workplace learning and performance professionals. 

We generally meet on the 2nd Friday of most months. We welcome guests to attend our monthly programs and professional development events throughout the year.  We offer excellent programming each month for a nominal fee of $20.00 per program.  Chapter members attend for at no additional charge!

In addition, when a guest has paid to attend five monthly programs within a calendar year, we will grant them membership status for the remainder of the calendar year.

For additional information on either attending an event or becoming a member, please contact our VP of Membership.


We get some really rough weather here in Iowa, especially in winter.  While our move to virtual due to the pandemic has meant fewer concerns over weather, we'd still like to think about a day when we can get back together in person.  In the meantime, you can view our chapter's Weather Cancellation Policy.

ATD Hawkeye Chapter
P.O. Box 10847
 Rapids, IA 52410-0847

© 2025 ATD Hawkeye Chapter

When registering or ordering at ATD, remember to enter our chapter ChIP Code: CH6101

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software