Employee Learning Week
ATD’s Employee Learning Week (ELW) is an opportunity for companies to demonstrate their commitment to talent development. During the week, remind employees about the learning and talent development opportunities they can access. For more information and links to ELW materials, visit 2023 ELW Fact Sheet.
Local Opportunities
Check out these learning opportunities and resources to help you focus on your growth during Employee Learning Week and beyond.
ATD Handouts from Co-VP of Membership LaRae Heyl
Whether you are responsible for managing an L&D consultant or you are the person on assignment, the surest path to success is to understand what to expect before, during, and after a consulting engagement. Using the framework within this guide will help you to foster deeper relationships and achieve the best project results.
Depending on which domain and level of learning, some learning methods work better than others. This list of key questions will help you determine which learning method is best for a specific environment and audience.
A helpful guide for manager and employees when preparing for year end conversations.
Year End Conversation Guides.pdf
Ice Breaker Fun From Co-VP of Membership Molly Mackey
Resources from some of our 2023 monthly guest speakers:
Robert Kienzle has several resources on his ATD profile page.
Ken Phillips offers some articles via his website PhillipsAssociates.
Dianelle Wallace offers some articles via her website Beyond The Sky Custom Learning.
Dr. Clark Quinn offers some tips via his website Quinnovation.